Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wynan's Legacy

I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't stopped writing. In fact, I'm currently working on a compilation of short stories having to do with Wynan Thatch and his legacy. Right now, I've written 2 short stories based on some characters he's tutoring as a professor of music theory and history.
1: Takayuki Shoichi - a japanese exchange student who enjoys physical activities and has a voice for bass and beats.
2: Amy Snow - a strong LDS girl who sings a beautiful soprano to praise the Lord with her musical gifts
3: William - ex sailor with a gift for techno and dubstep. Searching for the perfect sound to shake the foundation of music at its core
4: Flora - Hispanic girl , fairly promiscuous, has a very large scholarship in music from an unknown donor as long as she's taught by Professor Thatch.
5: Zacharius Nectario - Italian American boy with a strong tenor voice. Picked up out of high school by Wynan himself and paid for his tuition in order to teach him the value of his voice. Zach has a strong attraction to Wynan due to his generosity and his talent for music.
6: Wynan Thatch - Professor at a small community college somewhere in Washington (likely OC... because why not?). Not much is known about his past. His credentials check out, but something still seems off about this old musician.

The first two have rough drafts written so far. I may or may not post them as teasers as the story comes together.

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